Browsing by Author Chatterjee, I.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Dec-2020Asymmetric organocatalytic double 1,6-addition: rapid access to chiral chromans with molecular complexityRoy, S.; Pradhan, S.; Kumar, K.; Chatterjee, I.
6-Aug-2021Boron lewis Acid-Catalyzed regioselective hydrothiolation of conjugated dienes with thiolsKumar, G.; Qu, Z. W.; Ghosh, S.; Grimme, S.; Chatterjee, I.
1-Dec-2021Boron-Catalyzed hydroarylation of 1,3-Dienes with arylaminesKumar, G.; Qu, Z. W.; Grimme, S.; Chatterjee, I.
18-Aug-2022Chain-walking reactions of transition metals for remote C-H bond functionalization of olefinic substratesGhosh, S.; Patel, S.; Chatterjee, I.
30-Aug-2021EDA complex directed N-centred radical generation from nitrosoarenes: a divergent synthetic approachGhosh, S.; Kumar, G.; Naveen; Pradhan, S.; Chatterjee, I.
14-Jun-2022HFIP-Assisted Single C−F Bond Activation of Trifluoromethyl Ketones using Visible-Light Photoredox CatalysisGhosh, S.; Qu, Z.-W.; Pradhan, S.; Ghosh, A.; Grimme, S.; Chatterjee, I.
6-May-2024Introducing N‑Sulfinylamines into Visible-Light-Induced Carbene Chemistry for the Synthesis of Diverse Amides and α‑IminoestersRoy, S.; Biswas, A.; Paul, H.; Ariyan, SK .; Chatterjee, I.
6-Sep-2022Lewis acid-assisted transition metal-free aminocyanation of alkynes with arylamines and N-cyanosuccinimideKumar, G.; Bhattacharya, D.; Chatterjee, I.
22-Jul-2022Light-mediated aminocatalysis: The dual-catalytic ability enabling new enantioselective routeRoy, S.; Paul, H.; Chatterjee, I.
13-Mar-2020N-Centered radical directed remote C−H bond functionalization via hydrogen atom transferKumar, G.; Pradha, S.; Chatterjee, I.
17-Nov-2021Nitrosoarene-Catalyzed HFIP-Assisted transformation of arylmethyl halides to aromatic carbonyls under aerobic conditionsPradhan, S.; Sharma, V.; Chatterjee, I.
17-Dec-2020Nitrosoarene-catalyzed regioselective aromatic C–H sulfinylation with thiols under aerobic conditionsPradhan, S.; Patel, S.; Chatterjee, I.
15-Nov-2021Photoinduced diverse reactivity of diazo compounds with nitrosoarenesRoy, S.; Kumar, G.; Chatterjee, I.
23-Oct-2024Photoredox Catalyzed Single C−F Bond Activation of Trifluoromethyl Ketones: A Solvent Controlled Divergent Access of gem-Difluoromethylene Containing ScaffoldsGhosh, S.; Qu, Z-W.; Roy, S.; Grimme, S.; Chatterjee, I.
1-Jun-2022Redox-active alkylsulfones as precursors for alkyl radicals under photoredox catalysisPatel, S.; Paul, B.; Paul, H.; Shankhdhar, R.; Chatterjee, I.
11-Dec-2019Regiodivergent aromatic electrophilic substitution using nitrosoarenes in hexafluoroisopropanol: a gateway for diarylamines and p-iminoquinones synthesisPradhan, S.; Roy, S.; Ghosh, S.; Chatterjee, I.
20-Jul-2021Squaramide catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of five- and six membered ringsBiswas, A.; Ghosh, A.; Shankhdhar, R.; Chatterjee, I.
1-Jan-2019A survey of chiral hypervalent iodine reagents in asymmetric synthesisGhosh, S.; Pradhan, S; Chatterjee, I.
24-Jul-2022Thermodynamics analysis of an atmospheric water harvesting systemPradhan, S.; Das, S.; Kumar, G.; Chatterjee, I.
31-May-2022Transition-Metal-Free Regioselective Intermolecular Hydroamination of Conjugated 1,3-Dienes with Heterocyclic AminesPradhan, S.; Das, S.; Kumar, G.; Chatterjee, I.