Browsing by Author Sahoo, R.N.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Dec-2018Deep-inelastic multinucleon transfer processes in the 16O+27Al reactionRoy, B.J.; Sawant, Y.; Patwari, P.; Santra, S.; Pal, A.; Kundu, A.; Chattopadhyay, D.; Jha, V.; Pandit, S.K.; Parkar, V.V.; Ramachandran, K.; Mahata, K.; Nayak, B.K.; Saxena, A.; Kailas, S.; Nag, T.N.; Sahoo, R.N.; Singh, P.P.; Sekizawa, K.
1-Jan-2019Entrance channel effect on incomplete fusionSahoo, R.N.; Kaushik, M.; Sood, A.; Kumar, P.; Sharma, V.R.; Yadav, A.; Shuaib, M.; Singh, D.P.; Singh, P.P.; Gupta, U.; Sharma, M.K.; Kumar, R.; Singh, B.P.; Aydin, S.; Wollersheim, H.J.; Prasad, R.
22-Aug-2019Fabrication of thin 130Te target foils for sub-barrier fusion studiesSahoo, R.N.; Jyothi, G.N.; Sood, A.; Abhilash, S.R.; Umapathy, G.R.; Kabiraj, D.; Ojha, S.; Rao, P.V.; Singh, P.P.
26-Aug-2022Fission of 180,182,183Hg∗ and 178Pt∗ nuclei at intermediate excitation energiesCheralu, M.; Mukhamejanov, Y.S.; Kozulin, E.M.; Knyazheva, G.N.; Itkis, I.M.; Banerjee, T.; Diatlov, I.N.; Kumar, D.; Kozulina, N.I.; Novikov, K.V.; Pan, A.N.; Pchelintsev, I.V.; Tikhomirov, R.S.; Vorobiev, I.V.; Maiti, M.; Prajapat, R.; Kumar, R.; Sarkar, G.; Trzaska, W.H.; Singh, P.P.; Sahoo, R.N.; Vardaci, E.; Andreev, A.; Mitu, A.; Harca, I.
29-Dec-2018Investigation of fusion hindrance in a soft asymmetric system deep below the barrierShaikh, M.M.; Nath, S.; Gehlot, J.; Banerjee, T.; Mukul, I.; Dubey, R.; Shamlath, A.; Laveen, P.V.; Shareef, M.; Jhingan, A.; Madhavan, N.; Rajbongshi, T.; Jisha, P.; Jyothi, G.N.; Tejaswi, A.; Sahoo, R.N.; Rani, A.
19-Nov-2016Projectile - Mass asymmetry systematics for low energy incomplete fusionSingh, P.P.; Yadav, A.; Sharma, V.R.; Sharma, M.K.; Kumar, P.; Sahoo, R.N.; Kumar, R.; Singh, R.P.; Muralitha, S.; Singh, B.P.; Bhowmik, R.K.; Prasad, R.
31-Dec-2019Role of neutron transfer in sub-barrier fusionSahoo, R.N.
20-Jul-2022Role of precursor nuclei in heavy-ion induced reactions at low energiesBhat, I.M.; Shuaib, M.; Asnain, M.S.; Sharma, M.K.; Yadav, A.; Sharma, V.R.; Singh, P.P.; Singh, D.P.; Gupta, S.; Gupta, U.; Sahoo, R.N.; Sood, A.; Kaushik, M.; Kumar, S.; Kumar, R.; Singh, B.P.; Prasad, R.
16-Dec-2020Study of Mass-Asymmetric Fission of 180,190Hg Formed in the 36Ar + 144,154Sm ReactionsKumar, D.; Kozulin, E. M.; Cheralu, M.; Knyazheva, G.N.; Itkis, I.M.; Itkis, M.G.; Novikov, K.V.; Bogachev, A.A.; Kozulina, N. I.; Diatlov, I. N.; Pchelintsev, I. V.; Vorobiev, I. V.; Banerjee, T.; Mukhamejanov, Y.S.; Pan, A. N.; Saiko, V.V.; Singh, P.P.; Sahoo, R.N.; Andreyev, A.N.; Filipescu, D. M.; Maiti, M.; Prajapat, R.; Kumar, R.