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dc.contributor.authorRani, A.-
dc.contributor.authorMulaveesala, R.-
dc.description.abstractThe estimation of defects in any material is a critical problem in the domain of InfraRed thermography (IRT). The paper presents simulation aspects of three-dimensional heat transfer model for a finite thickness structural steel sample having six different slag inclusions using a low peak power frequency modulated thermal wave imaging (FMTWI) and its digital counterpart digitized frequency modulated thermal wave imaging (DFMTWI) technique. The sample surface is subjected to proposed thermal heat flux and defect analysis was carried out by studying the thermal gradient over the test sample surface. Further, time domain pulse compression approach allowing better defect depth analysis has been discussed to evaluate the correlation coefficients and time delays for the proposed approaches. Results show better performance of the DFMTWI approach with high correlation coefficient values for all the defects with low time delays than the FMTWI approachen_US
dc.subjectFrequency modulateden_US
dc.subjectTime domainen_US
dc.subjectFourier transformen_US
dc.subjectThermal gradienten_US
dc.subjectInfraRed thermographyen_US
dc.subjectPulse compressionen_US
dc.titleDetection of slags in structural steel sample using infraRed thermal wave imagingen_US
Appears in Collections:Year-2021

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