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Title: PACE: posthoc Architecture-Agnostic concept extractor for explaining CNNs
Authors: Kamakshi, V.
Gupta, U.
Krishnan, N. C.
Keywords: XAI
posthoc explanations
concept-based explanations
image classifier explanations
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2021
Abstract: Deep CNNs, though have achieved the state of the art performance in image classification tasks, remain a black-box to a human using them. There is a growing interest in explaining the working of these deep models to improve their trustworthiness. In this paper, we introduce a Posthoc Architecture-agnostic Concept Extractor (PACE) that automatically extracts smaller sub-regions of the image called concepts relevant to the black-box prediction. PACE tightly integrates the faithfulness of the explanatory framework to the black-box model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that extracts class-specific discriminative concepts in a posthoc manner automatically. The PACE framework is used to generate explanations for two different CNN architectures trained for classifying the AWA2 and Imagenet-Birds datasets. Extensive human subject experiments are conducted to validate the human interpretability and consistency of the explanations extracted by PACE. The results from these experiments suggest that over 72% of the concepts extracted by PACE are human interpretable.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3226
Appears in Collections:Year-2021

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