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Title: Recurrent generalization of f-polynomials for virtual knots and links
Authors: Gill, A.
Ivanov, M.
Prabhakar, M.
Vesnin, A.
Keywords: Difference writhe
Flat virtual knot invariant
Virtual knot invariant
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2022
Abstract: F-polynomials for virtual knots were defined by Kaur, Prabhakar and Vesnin in 2018 using flat virtual knot invariants. These polynomials naturally generalize Kauffman’s affine index polynomial and use smoothing in the classical crossing of a virtual knot diagram. In this paper, we introduce weight functions for ordered orientable virtual and flat virtual links. A flat virtual link is an equivalence class of virtual links with respect to a local symmetry changing a type of classical crossing in a diagram. By considering three types of smoothing in classical crossings of a virtual link diagram and suitable weight functions, there is provided a recurrent construction for new invariants. It is demonstrated by explicit examples that newly defined polynomial invariants are stronger than F-polynomials.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3593
Appears in Collections:Year-2022

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