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dc.contributor.authorDhilip Kumar, T.J.-
dc.description.abstractQuantum mechanical closed coupling scattering calculations are carried out at temperatures ranging from K to 100 K for studying rotational transitions of C2 due to collisions with 3He and 4He employing our new C2-He potential energy surface computed at the CCSD(T)- F12b/aug-cc-pVQZ level of theory. Among the isotopes of He, the heavier 4He isotope has larger value of rotational quenching cross section than 3He isotope. Wigner’s threshold law holds below cm−1. Quenching rate coefficients suggest that C2 can be cooled with 4He buffer gas. The dominance of 4He on C2 molecule is further addressed by calculating the predissociation lifetime of C2.en_US
dc.subjectClose coupling calculationsen_US
dc.subjectPotential energy surfaceen_US
dc.subjectRotational ratesen_US
dc.subjectUltracold collisionsen_US
dc.titleRotational quenching of C2 with 3He and 4He collisions at ultracold temperaturesen_US
Appears in Collections:Year-2022

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