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Title: An unknotting invariant for welded knots
Authors: Gill, A.
Kaur, K.
Prabhakar, M.
Vesnin, A.
Keywords: Gordian distance
Quandle coloring
Unknotting twist number
Welded knot
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2022
Abstract: We study a local twist move on welded knots that is an analog of the virtualization move on virtual knots. Since this move is an unknotting operation we define an invariant, unknotting twist number, for welded knots. We relate the unknotting twist number with warping degree and welded unknotting number, and establish a lower bound on the twist number using Alexander quandle coloring. We also study the Gordian distance between welded knots by twist move and define the corresponding Gordian complex.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3854
Appears in Collections:Year-2021

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