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dc.contributor.authorPandey, A.K.-
dc.contributor.authorVarshnaya, R.K.-
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, P.-
dc.description.abstractSubstituent and Lewis acid promoted generation offunctionalized enolates from epoxides is developed. Divergentattack of the enolate on donor-acceptor cyclopropanes, i.e. C-attack or O-attack depending upon substituents present in bothreacting partners, produced different products. C-attack gavefunctionalized cyclopentane derivatives, whereas O-attack furnished tetrahydrofuran derivatives through [3+2]-annulation re-actions. Moreover, to increase the utility of our method, synthe-sized diastereomeric cyclopentane der ivatives were convertedinto synthetically useful cyclopentene and cyclopentanone ana-logs.en_US
dc.titleSubstituent and lewis acid promoted dual behavior of epoxides towards [3+2]-annulation reactions with donor-acceptor cyclopropanes: synthesis of substituted cyclopentaneand tetrahydrofuranen_US
Appears in Collections:Year-2017

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