Bulk viscosity at extreme limits: from kinetic theory to strings

Show simple item record Czajka, A. Dasgupta, K. Gale, C. Jeon, S. Misra, A. Richard, M. Sil, K. 2019-08-23T11:49:16Z 2019-08-23T11:49:16Z 2019-08-23
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1325
dc.description.abstract In this paper we study bulk viscosity in a thermal QCD model with large number of colors at two extreme limits: the very weak and the very strong 't Hooft couplings. The weak coupling scenario is based on kinetic theory, and one may go to the very strong coupling dynamics via an intermediate coupling regime. Although the former has a clear description in terms of kinetic theory, the intermediate coupling regime, which uses lattice results, su ers from usual technical challenges that render an explicit determination of bulk viscosity somewhat di cult. On the other hand, the very strong 't Hooft coupling dynamics may be studied using string theories at both weak and strong string couplings using gravity duals in type IIB as well as M-theory respectively. In type IIB we provide the precise uctuation modes of the metric in the gravity dual responsible for bulk viscosity, compute the speed of sound in the medium and analyze the ratio of the bulk to shear viscosities. In M-theory, where we uplift the type IIA mirror dual of the UV complete type IIB model, we study and compare both the bulk viscosity and the sound speed by analyzing the quasi-normal modes in the system at strong IIA string coupling. By deriving the spectral function, we show the consistency of our results both for the actual values of the parameters involved as well for the bound on the ratio of bulk to shear viscosities. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Bulk viscosity at extreme limits: from kinetic theory to strings en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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