Experimental investigations on remote measurement of HV electrode current

Show simple item record Singh, A. Singh, B. Reddy, C.C. 2019-08-24T09:14:03Z 2019-08-24T09:14:03Z 2019-08-24
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1343
dc.description.abstract Low Density Polyethylene(LDPE) is considered as an important material for the insulation in high voltage dc.The knowledge of conduction current and in LDPE material is quite vital due to the fact that it is related to charge accumulation in it.Tounderstand the whole information of conduction current and space charge accumulation, we have been trying to construct a new method wherethe measurements are performed using a guarded three-terminal electrode system.Traditionally, the measurement of conduction current was done on the ground electrode due to safety reasons. With the advent of wireless technology such as Zigbee modules etc, the measurement at high voltage electrode is also possible. So by taking dielectric sample as LDPE, we have been trying to find the conduction current and space charge accumulated in it. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Arduino en_US
dc.subject Zgbee en_US
dc.subject Low density polyethylene en_US
dc.subject High voltage en_US
dc.subject Conduction current en_US
dc.subject Space charge en_US
dc.title Experimental investigations on remote measurement of HV electrode current en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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