Coherent coupling between the motional fluctuation of a mirror and a trapped ion inside an optical cavity: memory, state transfer, and entanglement

Show simple item record Garg, D. Biswas, A. 2019-11-25T13:36:54Z 2019-11-25T13:36:54Z 2019-11-25
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1386
dc.description.abstract We show how the motional fluctuations of two systems of very different sizes—a trapped ion and a mirror— can be coupled coherently, via their common interaction with an optical cavity. Specifically, we show that the fluctuations can be transferred from one system to the other by using pulsed excitation of the cavity mode, and vibrational fluctuations can exhibit entanglement in steady state. We numerically display a sudden death of this entanglement at certain pulse parameters and ambient equilibrium temperature. More interestingly, the state of the driving pulse can also be coherently mapped, in a selective way, into the vibrational mode of the trapped ion or the mirror, which acts as a quantum memory for the optical pulse. We further present a detailed analysis to show that it is also possible to map the state of the pulse into a binomial entangled state of its vibrational fluctuations. We finally investigate how to sympathetically cool the mirror by cooling the ionic vibration, thanks to an effective coupling between the two modes. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Coherent coupling between the motional fluctuation of a mirror and a trapped ion inside an optical cavity: memory, state transfer, and entanglement en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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