Mutual interference among the radar sensors has
become a serious concern due to the extensive growth of self driving
vehicles (SDV) equipped with such sensors. The problem becomes
more severe with the increase in traffic density, where a large
number of SDVs gather within the proximity of inter-vehicular
radars. Thereby, the number of resources required to maintain
the neighbourhood orthogonality increases with traffic density and
further leads to the problem of radar blindness. In this paper, we
propose a graph-based resource allocation (GRA) scheme to assign
resources to the running SDV pool. GRA assures that two closely
located SDVs may not simultaneously use the same resource. Also,
we integrate the notion of traffic-based dynamic-range approach
(TDA) with GRA. Then, through simulation results, it is shown
that GRA outperforms the state of art random allocation approach.
Further, it is shown that GRA, along with TDA, may eliminate the
problem of radar blindness.