Wikipedia is an open-content encyclopedia that receives billions of
page views per month. It has been observed that in a single reading
session, Wikipedia users visit multiple articles. To reduce the problems of overload and loss of information, there has been a growing
interest in the research community to develop new approaches to
present the only necessary information to the users. Automatically
generation of personalized summaries is a proven remedy for the
information overload problem. In this paper, we propose a technique to generate personalized summaries for Wikipedia articles
by analyzing the reading patterns of users. To perform reading pattern analysis, we track eye gaze during the article reading session.
Eye gaze analysis helps in identifying the attention distribution
of a reader over an article. We extend the proposed approach to
generate a summary for multiple articles visited during a user’s
Wikipedia reading session. We capture a dataset representing the
reading pattern of Wikipedia users. We make this dataset publicly
available for research community1