Haze is an atmospheric phenomenon where turbid media obscure the scenes. Haze
reduces the visibility of the scenes and reduces the reliability of outdoor surveillance
systems. Under severe hazy weather conditions, the aerosols scatters or sometimes
completely stops the light rays from reaching the camera sensor. Thus, outdoor captured
photos tend to be hazy in inclement weather and have low visibility. Color cast
of captured photos in such inclement weather evidently also depend on the size of the
aerosols and its properties. The major challenges needs to tackle in the field of image
de-hazing are: low-visibility, color imbalance, image capturing medium, unavailability
of real-world training data etc. This work mainly focuses on analyzing and designing
different modalities for image de-hazing in the context of providing the solution to the
above-mentioned challenges.
The significant contribution of this work is in: 1) proposing a novel scene transmission
map estimation method, 2) proposing a dense haze removal approach, 3)
proposing a novel varicolored image de-hazing approach which is applicable for hazy
images captured in different weather conditions 4) proposing an underwater image
de-hazing approach and 5) proposing un-paired training network for image de-hazing.
Accurate estimation of scene transmission map is a key to recover the haze-free
image from input hazy image. In this work, a convolution neural network based approach
is proposed for scene transmission map estimation. The contribution of the work lies in the haze relevant feature extraction from RGB and YCbCr color spaces
of input hazy image and a novel feature fusion approach. Another contribution towards
the image de-hazing is made by proposing an end-to-end deep network which
is trained adversarially for dense haze removal.
Along with the visibility improvement, restoration of color balance is also equally
challenging problem in image de-hazing. In this work, we propose a varicolored image
de-hazing network which restores the color balance in a given varicolored hazy image
and recovers the haze-free image. Also, a large-scale synthetic varicolored hazy image
database is generated to train the network for varicolored image de-hazing. Also, we
have proposed an underwater image de-hazing approach which recovers perceptually
pleasant images by improving the visibility and color balance in input underwater
In general, a major hurdle to train a convolution neural network for image dehazing
is the unavailability of large-scale real-world hazy, and corresponding hazefree
image (i.e. paired data). Thus, in this work, an end-to-end network is proposed
which is trained in an unpaired manner to resolve the unavailability of paired training
The proposed image de-hazing approaches are evaluated on the current stateof-
the-art databases such as D-Hazy, SOTS, HazeRD, NTIRE-2018, NTIRE-2019, RESIDE
and set of real-world hazy images. Also, two new datasets are proposed in this
work namely outdoor hazy image (OHI) dataset and synthetic varicolored hazy image
(VHI) dataset. Standard quantitative evaluation parameters such as SSIM, PSNR,
CIEDE2000 are used to evaluate the proposed de-hazing approaches.