What sustains life or how living things originate from the non-living things is among
the most challenging problems before the scienti c community. A biological cell is assumed
as the smallest unit of life. The multiple cellular processes are mainly controlled
by tiny biological machines called motor proteins which move along macromolecular
highways, namely microtubules to transfer cargoes at distinct locations inside a cell.
These motors work in groups for e cient supply of cargoes. To get insight on the
life-sustaining mechanism, it is necessary to understand the collective transport of
motor proteins which fall into a speci c category of the non-equilibrium system due
to the presence of non-zero current governed by the continuous supply of energy. In
the last few decades, dynamics of a single motor has been well analyzed through in
vitro and in vivo experiments as well as theoretical models whereas the collective
behavior of motors movement is poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated the
collective dynamics of motion of motor proteins utilizing a mathematical model in the
parameter space of important variables.
In this work, the unidirectional non-equilibrium motion of physical and/or biological
motors along the highways are modeled by totally asymmetric simple exclusion
process (TASEP) which falls in the class of driven di usive systems. To explore the
collective dynamics, the physics behind the uni ed motion of the biological motors,
in particular, kinesin, a motor protein have been thoroughly explored. The biological
motors and intracellular tracks are mimicked by physical particles and one dimension
discrete lanes, respectively in the framework of TASEP. We investigated single as
well as multi-lane TASEP by incorporating vital intracellular features to explore how
molecules behave collectively under the in
uence of di erent processes and environments.
Like any resource in nature, motor proteins are also not in nite, and they
move along multiple microtubule proto laments with the possibility to switch their
lane. These processes, including nite resources and lane changing phenomena affect
the system dynamics signi cantly by producing various new phases in the phase diagram stimulating the need to examine their e ect on uni ed system properties.
Microtubule, a dynamic and
exible polymer, displays a twist in terms of a small
preferred curvature due to the internal organization of the proto laments forming
constrained entrances. Recent studies suggest that these properties of a microtubule
lead to many considerable impacts on the system properties motivating us to incorporate
these features in our model for a better description of motor movement. The
studied models include these essential observations and investigate their non-trivial
role in overall system dynamics. Motivated by the non-trivial e ect of nite resources
in past studies, we examined its role on system dynamics in the presence of coupling
between lanes, constrained entrances, and
exibility in the lattice with a 3D
environment. Besides, mathematically, we explored how cooperative motor action
regulates the length of a dynamic microtubule while another study investigates the
system dynamics in the presence of three lanes with the in nite number of particles.
We used di erent theoretical approaches, including mean- eld theory and its variants,
to calculate analytical results, including many novel features in terms of new phases
and phase transitions which are validated by Monte Carlo simulations and available
experimental results in the literature.
The proposed work tries to provide a natural means to get a more in-depth insight
into the properties of collective dynamics on intracellular transport by motors. We
hope that our theoretical outcomes also might be observed by conducting in vitro
and in vivo experiments under a well-controlled environment. It is expected that the
obtained results not only might be useful for experimental biologists in understanding
motor proteins in a more precise manner, but also can enhance one's insight into the
study of non-equilibrium systems. Further, there exist many physical and biological
systems, including vehicular transport, ant trails, pedestrian
ow, protein synthesis,
etc., which are analogous to intracellular transport carried out by motor proteins
in the modelling framework of TASEP. Therefore the proposed models, theoretical
analysis, and derived results can be utilized to understand other non-equilibrium
stochastic transport problems too. In addition to that, there are various diseases
associated with improper functioning of motor proteins such as HIV, Charcot-Marie-
Tooth disease, kidney diseases, etc., which can be treated in a much better way by
analyzing the collective behavior of these biological molecules.
In short, we used mathematical modeling to understand unexplored biophysical
complexities, which are also observed through simulations and might arise during motor
transport too, thereby, making it essential to understand the collective dynamics
of motor proteins.