Under the in-situ light-harvesting by green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium tepidum, a photon
from sun light is absorbed by pigments of thin chlorosome antenna due to its high
absorption co-e cient. Subsequently, this excitation energy is then transferred with
very high quantum e ciency ( 100%) to the reaction center core complex (RCC)
via Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex, where the photo-chemical reaction occurs.
FMO complex is a trimer and each monomer comprises bacteriochlorophyll-a
(BChla) molecules surrounded by protein molecules. Simple structure of FMO complex
encourages the study of highly e cient excitation energy transfer (EET) in this
biological system. Although the broad mechanism of light-harvesting by Chlorobium
tepidum is known but the reason for it high quantum e ciency is still elusive, which
can be used to improve the solar light-harvesting to meet our future renewable energy
Earlier theoretical model (i.e. Forster resonance energy transfer model) had shown
EET as non-oscillatory incoherent process. But recent 2-D electronic spectroscopy
(2DES) experiments on isolated FMO complex illustrate the EET as oscillatory process.
These oscillation were explained as reminiscence of coherence. It has started
the heated debate about the role of the coherence in the high quantum e ciency
of photosynthetic bacteria. Despite the development various theoretical approaches
after this experimental observation the explicit role of coherence is still elusive.
To answer to this question, we use non-Markovian master equation approach and
hierarchical equation of motion (HEOM) approach. We also have used the inhomogeneous
protein environment around di erent BChla sites in the presence of active
vibronic modes local to each BChla site which were largely missed in earlier approaches.
We show that the coherence between di erent BChla sites in the FMO
complex is an essential ingredient for excitation energy transfer between various sites.
The coherence delocalizes the excitation energy, which results in the redistribution of
excitation among all the BChla sites in the steady state. We further show that the system remains partially coherent at the steady state.
Further to study the e ect of initial coherence created by interaction of coherent
laser pulse with the isolated FMO complex, we make a comparative numerical study
of the EET, in terms of non-Markovian evolution of an initial coherent superposition
state and a mixed state. We theoretically show that the initial coherence plays a
crucial role in enhancing the speed of EET in FMO complex. A femto-second coherent
laser pulse is suitably chosen to create the initial coherent superposition state. Such
an initial state relaxes much faster than a mixed state thereby speeding up the EET.
In this analysis, we have taken into account the relative orientation of the transition
dipole moments of the BChla sites and their relative excitation energies. Next, to
analyze the e ect of newly discovered 8th BChla site we study the dynamics of EET
for eight BChla site monomer of FMO complex. Even more impressively, in the
presence of the 8th chromophore, the initial pure state relaxes much faster than in
the 7-site monomer. Hence the inclusion of 8th chromophore additionally enhances
the EET relaxation.
Furthermore, to study the e ect of initial coherence on excitation transfer e ciency
(ETE) we have added the reaction center site. We show that the initial coherence
enhances not only the speed of energy transfer, but also the ETE in photosynthetic
bacteria Chlorobium tepidum. We have considered the pigment of RCC in addition
to the eight sites of the monomer of FMO complex to explicitly study the ETE from
FMO to RCC. With the use of realistic bath spectrum and several dominant vibronic
modes in the non-Markovian master equation, we have compared the ETE for an
initial pure state and an initial mixed state. We observe that the initial pure state
relaxes e ciently to increase the trapping at the RCC. We further illustrate that the
the competitive role of coherences to block the back transfer of excitation from RCC
pigment to FMO complex and hence to maximize the ETE.
Next, we have employed the highly non-Markovian approach i.e. HEOM approach,
to nd the e ect of the coherence in ETE in the photosynthetic bacteria Chlorobium
tepidum with better accuracy. We have compared the ETE in 9-site system (i.e. one
monomer connected to RCC) with 25-site system (three monomers i.e. a trimer connected
RCC) with realistic initial pure state in the presence of in-homogeneous protein
environment. We have observed the same amount of excitation transfer from FMO
to RCC as has been observed in the relevant experiment by femtosecond absorption
spectroscopy. Moreover, we nd that although the excitation gets transferred almost
independently in the adjacent monomers of FMO complex, full FMO complex needs
to considered to be connected to the RCC pigment for better estimate of the ETE.