Nonadiabatic couplings and charge transfer study in H + CS+ collision using time-dependent quantum dynamics

Show simple item record Kaur, R. Kumar, T. J. D. 2021-09-27T12:44:13Z 2021-09-27T12:44:13Z 2021-09-27
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2805
dc.description.abstract Experiments have reported the high stability of HCS + ion and inhibit to decompose over the range of collision energies. In this study, the various energy transfer channels of atomic H collision with CS + molecular ion has been performed by ab initio computations at the multireference configuration interaction/aug-cc-pVQZ level of theory. The ground and several low-lying excited electronic state potential energy surfaces in three different molecular orientations, namely, two collinear configurations with, (1) H approaching the S atom (γ = 0◦), (2) H approaching the C atom (γ = 180◦) and one perpendicular configuration, (3) H approaching the centre of mass of CS (γ = 90◦) with the diatom fixed at the equilibrium bond length, have been obtained. Nonadiabatic effects with Landau–Zener coupling leading to avoided crossings are observed between the ground- and the first-excited states in γ = 90◦ orientation, and also between the first- and second-excited states in γ = 180◦ orientation. Quantum dynamics have been performed to study the charge transfer using time-dependent wave packet method on the diabatic potential energy surfaces. The probability of charge transfer is found to be highest with 42% in γ = 180◦. The high charge transfer probability result in the formation of H + + CS channel which ascertains the high stability of HCS + ion en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject potential energy surfaces en_US
dc.subject nonadiabatic coupling en_US
dc.subject avoided crossing en_US
dc.subject charge transfer en_US
dc.subject quantum dynamics; en_US
dc.subject probability density en_US
dc.title Nonadiabatic couplings and charge transfer study in H + CS+ collision using time-dependent quantum dynamics en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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