The κ-μ shadowed fading model is a very general
fading model as it includes both κ-μ and η-μ as special cases.
In this paper, we derive the expression for outage probability
when the signal-of-interest (SoI) and interferers both experience
κ-μ shadowed fading in an interference limited scenario. The
derived expression is valid for arbitrary SoI parameters, arbitrary κ, and μ parameters for all interferers and any value
of the parameter m for the interferers excepting the limiting
value of m → ∞. The expression can be expressed in terms
of Pochhammer integral, where the integrands of integral only
contains elementary functions. The outage probability expression
is then simplified for various special cases, especially when
SoI experiences η-μ or κ-μ fading. Furthermore, the rate expression is derived when the SoI experiences κ-μ shadowed fading
with the integer values of μ, and the interferers experience κ-μ
shadowed fading with arbitrary parameters. The rate expression
can be expressed in terms of sum of Lauricella’s function of
the fourth kind. The utility of our results is demonstrated by
using the derived expression to study and compare fractional
frequency reuse and soft frequency reuse in the presence of κ-μ
shadowed fading. Extensive simulation results are provided and
these further validate our theoretical results