Many complex systems ranging from ecosystems to molecular systems are often at
risk of an unexpected collapse or tipping to alternative states. Specifically, a tiny perturbation
in an input condition resulting in large, sudden, and often irreversible changes in
the state of a dynamical system is known as "tipping" or "critical transition". Well-known
examples of tipping include the melting of Antarctic ice sheets (climate), the collapse
of ecosystems (ecology), a crash of markets in finance (finance), transitions between
cellular phenotypes (systems biology). Each of these sudden transitions has undesired
consequences for natural systems and human well-beings. Hence, understanding critical
transitions and their early predictions are crucial to managing catastrophes. This thesis
investigates bifurcation-induced and rate-induced tippings with associated early warning
signals (EWSs) for various biological systems.
First, we investigate the impact of a dynamic environment on a coupled consumerresource
model. We identify that the system has complex dynamics such as multistability
and critical transitions. In a multistable region, we find the probability of attaining each
alternative state employing basin stability. In addition, critical transitions are identified
at different magnitudes in the presence of stochastic fluctuations. We also explore
the efficacy of EWSs to forewarn critical transitions in the model. Next, in a socialecological
two-species model, we analyze the effect of demographic and environmental
noise. To study the effect of demographic noise, we identify all the birth-death processes
corresponding to the model and derive the associated master equation. Moreover, the
resilience of alternative steady states has been analyzed using probabilistic potential and
mean first-passage time. Incorporating conservationist social norms helps the system to
mitigate tipping despite higher harvesting rates. Further, in an ecosystem model with
slow-fast timescales, we identify rate-induced transitions and calculate the critical rate
of change using the geometric singular perturbation theory.
In disease biology, Epithelial-hybrid-mesenchymal transitions are hallmarks of cancer
metastasis, drug resistance, and tumor relapse. We show that EWSs can detect sudden
transitions among epithelial, hybrid-E/M, and mesenchymal phenotypes. Our analysis
reveals the unexpectedly large basin of attraction for a hybrid-E/M phenotype. We
identify mechanisms that can potentially evade the transition to a hybrid-E/M phenotype.
Finally, we evaluate the effect of intrinsic noise on driving tipping in a model of
tumor metabolism. By defining a dominance game, we consider payoff-based reaction
rates to incorporate intrinsic noise on the temporal evolution of tumor states. We find
that the metabolic exploration rate can drive critical transitions from a high glycolysis
frequency state to a low glycolysis frequency state. The EWSs analysis reveals the role
of time series length on a successful prediction. Together, this thesis investigates sudden
transitions, their prediction, and mitigation in diverse stochastic complex systems.