—Children are the future of our generation, so
reducing child mortality is very critical in developing
countries. There are lots of asserting factors of child
mortality but malnutrition is one of the prominent factors.
Medically, it has been proven that breastfeeding is one of
the sources of nutrients and it is being always appreciated
to have mothers’ milk to a child in the early days. However,
with the increasing participation of women in the
workforce, the child care load on breastfeeding mothers is
very high. This forces many of them to take long career
breaks. Here, in this paper, we have an automatic formula
milk dispensing unit that will be used in Neonatal Intensive
Care Units (NICUs) and for breastfeeding mothers at home.
The device has inbuilt sterilization and pasteurization units
that would maintain the overall hygiene and sterilization of
baby milk bottles. Currently, the device has a few buttons
through which we can control the functionality of the