Single phase onboard integrated charger for open-ended winding induction motor for EV application

Show simple item record Azeem, A. Payami, S. Ravi Teja, A.V. 2022-11-18T10:39:28Z 2022-11-18T10:39:28Z 2022-11-18
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4192
dc.description.abstract The battery charging unit is an integral part of the electrical vehicle (EV). The conventional charging system has a separate rectifier and filter circuitry that makes the charging system costly and bulky. The on-board charger (OBC) for electric vehicles (EV) is incorporated the same converter used for motoring operation, as a controlled rectifier and buck-boost converter. Integrated and isolated charger units can be configured as bidirectional and unidirectional and incapable to operate as vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-vehicle as well. AC Level-l and leve1-2 charging (up to 19 kW) can be easily integrated with the traction machine converter group installed in the EVs, no new elements are introduced in the power circuitry. In integrated EV charging battery, can be charged up to the rated traction power. Also, it does not need to require the reconfiguration of the converter, additional passive components without machine operation during steadystate charging. Additional freedom exists in the open-ended windings of induction motor with induction motor is that integrated charging directly with ac and dc can be employed. Integrated OBC is capable to provide the unity power factor (UPF) operation that further improves the performance of the charging unit. The proposed technique is validated on the experimental test bench. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Battery chargers en_US
dc.subject Boost PFC en_US
dc.subject Integrated onboard power chargers en_US
dc.subject Open-ended induction motor en_US
dc.subject Power factor correction (PFC) en_US
dc.title Single phase onboard integrated charger for open-ended winding induction motor for EV application en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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