The spin distributions of complete and incomplete fusion residues populated in the 16O+159Tb system have been measured using the particle-γ coincidence technique to investigate the role of high angular momentum values in the production of direct-α-emitting channels. Spin distributions of various αxn channels are measured at ELab ≈ 6.2 MeV A-1. Entirely different de-excitation patterns are observed in direct-α-emitting channels and fusion-evaporation channels. The fusion-evaporation channels are found to be strongly fed over a broad spin range. While narrow range feeding for only high-spin states was observed in the case of direct-α-emitting channels. To have a better insight into the associated angular momenta values in different reaction channels, the present data are compared with similar data from [1, 2]. The mean driving angular momenta involved in the production of direct-α-emitting channels are found to be higher than those involved in the production of fusion-evaporation channels.