A configuration for a narrow-band rugged highpower
antenna with a horizontally polarized fan-beam radiation
pattern is proposed. This antenna is a longitudinal aperture array
in the narrow wall of an air-filled rectangular waveguide, and
it produces intentional electromagnetic interference for military
purposes. It is to be approximately vertically front mounted on
a land vehicle operating in a war zone for neutralizing hot-wire
detonators from a safe distance. Computational electromagnetic
analysis is used for analyzing the individual array elements, and
then standard microwave network analysis is used for the initial
array design. Full-wave analysis is used to validate the resulting
array design and an improved array design. Experimental data at
10 GHz is presented to further validate the full-wave analysis. A
theoretical estimate for the power handling capability is presented
for the final array design scaled to operate at a frequency in the
industrial frequency band (902–928 MHz).