Task scheduling of applications represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) on multiprocessors
is an NP-HARD problem Garey and Johnson [1979]. The growing requirement
to utilize the underlying parallelism for quick execution of applications along with
other multiple objectives has engaged the attention of the researchers. This work focuses
on static scheduling of applications represented as DAGs on heterogeneous multiprocessor
platforms for reducing the schedule length (or makespan) along with energy
consumption and meeting hard/soft deadlines. The tasks are heterogeneous in that each
task has a potentially diverse execution requirement on each one of the systems processors.
The processors have been modeled to be interconnected in a fully connected
or restricted topology. In the context of scheduling, duplication or replicating tasks
on multiple processors has generally been utilized for reliability and for reducing the
impact of communication on the schedule length. By duplicating the heavily communicating
jobs on a single processor, the interprocessor communication costs can be
minimized, which can reduce the makespan. A comprehensive analysis of the concept
of duplication has been performed to reduce communication cost/energy and its overall
impact on the scheduling objectives.
First, an attempt have been made to improve the convergence of a duplication based
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation to reduce the schedule length.
Other known optimal MILPs duplicate a job on all the available processing elements and
this increases their complexities. In this solution, a new REStricted Duplication (RESDMILP)
approach to model duplication in a MILP has been proposed. The complexity
of this model increases with the increase in the amount of duplication. Experiments
have revealed that RESDMILP achieves better runtimes when the problem instance is
solved optimally and provides better lower bounds and percentage gaps if it is run for
a fixed amount of time. The percentage gap is defined as, (UB − LB)/UB where UB
and LB are the upper and lower bounds achieved by the MILPs respectively.
Next, we study the effect of duplication with respect to minimizing: the makespan,
the total energy for processing tasks and messages on processors and network resources respectively, and the tardiness of tasks with respect to their deadlines. Energy effi-
ciency along with enhanced performance (i.e., shorter makespan) are two important
goals of scheduling on multiprocessors. A Contention-aware, Energy Efficient, Duplication
based Mixed Integer Programming (CEEDMIP) formulation has been proposed
for scheduling task graphs on heterogeneous multiprocessors, interconnected in a distributed
system or a network on chip architecture. Optimizing the use of duplication
with MILP provides both energy efficiency and performance by reducing the communication
energy consumption and the communication latency. The contention awareness
gives a more accurate estimation of the energy consumption. Also, a corner case has
been identified that allows the scheduling of a parent task copy after a copy of the
child task, which may lead to more efficient schedules. It has been observed that the
proposed MILP with a clustering based heuristic (FastCEED) provides scalability and
gives 10 − 30 percent improvement in energy with improved makespan and accuracy
when compared with other duplication based energy aware algorithms.
To further improve the power and performance, duplication has been modeled alongside
dynamic voltage/frequency scaling (DVFS). In power aware scheduling with DVFS,
tasks are made to run at low voltages, which decreases their computation power. However,
it also increases their execution costs and hence, may increase the schedule length.
Furthermore, applying DVFS on processors does not impact the communication delay
and power consumption. Duplicating a task on multiple processors reduces the communication
delay among processors, which further reduces the schedule length and
improves the performance. Additionally, duplication reduces the communication energy
among processors, also increasing the overall computation energy. This solution
integrates DVFS and duplication to schedule task graphs on heterogeneous multiprocessors.
The use of both techniques is optimized with an MILP formulation to achieve
better power and performance. To enhance the MILP convergence, each task is run
by integrating the maximum and minimum voltages on a processor instead of iterating
through all the voltage levels. The results demonstrate a minimum of 50% improvement
in the processor power and 20 − 50% improvement in the total power (processor and
communication) with a schedule length comparable to that of the other algorithms.
Finally, we consider the classical real-time scheduling model that consists of realtime
periodic task graphs with hard end-to-end deadlines. The system requirement is
that all the deadlines must be met. As discussed above, duplicating the predecessor of a task on the processor to which the task is assigned can result in the minimization
of the communication cost. This helps in reducing the schedule length. However, this
reduction comes at the cost of the extra computing power required to duplicate the tasks.
This work addresses this trade-off between duplication and computing power. Some
“controlled” duplication based algorithms have been proposed for scheduling real-time
periodic tasks with end-to-end deadlines on heterogeneous multiprocessors. It has been
observed that the decision regarding whether to duplicate tasks or not is made by the
task deadlines. In case the deadline can be met without duplication, more schedule
holes are created. These holes can be used by other tasks. A real time MILP and a
local search based extension has been proposed. Simulations show that the proposed
algorithms efficiently utilize the holes and improve the success ratio by 15% − 50%
versus comparable algorithms.