The key objective of this thesis is to study regime shift in various bistable biological
systems. Many natural systems can undergo sudden, large and often irreversible
changes under the influence of small stochastic perturbations. Such qualitative sudden
changes in the structure and function of a system are known as regime shift. Well known
examples of regime shifts in complex systems include: collapse of ecosystems (ecology),
crash of markets in global finance (finance), systemic failures such as epileptic seizures
(biology) and Arctic sea ice melting (climate). Each of these shifts has the potential to
invoke serious and harmful consequences for environment as well as human well-being.
Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of regime shifts and predicting them using
early warning signals (EWS) are important issues due to the potential application in
management and prevention of catastrophes in complex systems.
There are mainly two types of regime shifts that can occur in systems with alternative
stable states. One is critical transition which is associated with the bifurcation points (so
called tipping points) and another is noise induced transition (also known as stochastic
switching). Purely noise driven regime shift and its prediction using EWS are very less
studied in comparison with the studies on regime shifts associated with tipping points.
In this thesis, we explore the effect of noise on regime shifts and robustness of EWS, for
both cases, the critical transition and noise induced transition.
An important example of regime shift in molecular biology is genetic regulatory system
which includes sudden transition in protein production level in individual cells resulting
disease onset. Here, we study regime shift in a bistable gene regulatory positive feedback
loop model. We investigate the effect of additive and multiplicative white/colored
noise intensities, cross correlation intensity between two white/colored noises, and correlation
time of colored noise on the model by calculating the probability density and
potential function. We find that both the noises (white/colored) have the potential to
invoke regime shifts in gene expression. We also identify that using EWS indicators,
prediction of an impending bifurcation induced regime shift is relatively easier than that
of a noise induced regime shift in the considered system. Moreover, the success of EWS
indicators also strongly depends upon the nature of noise.
We also study a bistable insect outbreak model to reveal the role of stochasticity in
generating outbreak dynamics. Our calculations reveal that stochasticity with higher
intensity generally weakens bistability, causing the trajectory to spend more time at
a single state rather than jumping between alternative stable states. Which state the
population tends toward depends on the noise color. High-intensity white noise causes
the insect population to spend more time at low density, potentially reducing the severity
or frequency of outbreaks. However, red noise can make the population spend more time
near the high density state, intensifying outbreaks. We find that under neither type of
noise do EWS reliably predict impending outbreaks nor population crashes.
Development of EWS has given ecologists hope of predicting rapid regime shifts
before they occur. Accurate predictions, however, rely on the signals being appropriate
to the particular system under consideration. Here, we study a range of models with
different types of dynamical transitions and several perturbation schemes, and test the
ability of EWS to warn of an upcoming transition. We also test the sensitivity of our
results to the amount of available pre-transition data and various decisions that must
be made in the analysis (i.e., the rolling window size and smoothing bandwidth used to
compute the EWS). We conclude that the EWS developed for saddle-node bifurcations
perform well in a range of noise environments, but different methods should be used to
predict other types of regime shifts.
Finally, we show the use of multifractal properties and recurrence parameters of time
series in order to anticipate a regime shift beforehand. We consider different sets of
simulated ecological time series data pertaining to dynamically two different cases of
regime shifts: bifurcation induced and purely noise induced regime shifts. We observe
concurrent rise in the chosen multifractal properties and recurrence parameters upon
approaching a regime shift, and we can very well then use these parameters as EWS for
predicting catastrophic regime shifts.
Keywords:- regime shifts, tipping points, critical slowing down, stochastic switching,
early warning signals, alternative stable states, white noise, colored noise.