Present work deals with the experimental studies of incomplete fusion reaction dynamics at energies
as low as ≈ 4 - 7 MeV/A. Excitation functions populated via complete fusion and/or incomplete fusion
processes in 12C+175Lu, and 13C+169Tm systems have been measured within the framework of PACE4 code.
Data of excitation function measurements on comparison with different projectile-target combinations suggest
the existence of ICF even at slightly above barrier energies where complete fusion (CF) is supposed to be the
sole contributor, and further demonstrates strong projectile structure dependence of ICF. The incomplete fusion
strength functions for 12C+175Lu, and 13C+169Tm systems are analyzed as a function of various physical parameters
at a constant vrel ≈ 0.053c. It has been found that one neutron (1n) excess projectile 13C (as compared
to 12C) results in less incomplete fusion contribution due to its relatively large negative α-Q-value, hence, α
Q-value seems to be a reliable parameter to understand the ICF dynamics at low energies. In order to explore
the reaction modes on the basis of their entry state spin population, the spin distribution of residues populated
via CF and/or ICF in 16O+159Tb system has been done using particle-γ coincidence technique. CF-α and ICF-α
channels have been identified from backward (B) and forward (F) α-gated γ spectra, respectively. Reaction
dependent decay patterns have been observed in different α emitting channels. The CF channels are found to
be fed over a broad spin range, however, ICF-α channels was observed only for high-spin states. Further, the
existence of incomplete fusion at low bombarding energies indicates the possibility to populate high spin states.